
Amazing Candlelight Paintings By Famous Artists

Candlelight paintings are amazingly attractive with vibrant flames. If you have ever wondered about painting light, take a sure shot chance to try out a burning candle. The focus of the painting is on the flame and have a wide impact on the subject. The luminous area on the canvas is the glow that radiates from the flame. The brilliance of the flame could be easily highlighted with the supporting objects.

The color patterns on the frame make it rather attractive. The bluish flame at the bottom with a transparent touch makes the flame heavenly. The glowing yellow color of the flame at the top makes it look distinct. While painting a candle, make sure to blend the candle flame with the background. You can start the painting with a raw outline. A combination of yellow ochre and raw umber would be a great starting mix! If you are planning to paint a portrait with the effect of candlelight, make sure the glow appears on the figure. Here I have selected some of the best candlelight paintings for your inspiration.

Candlelight Paintings

Candlelight – Johannes Rosierse Dutch painter 1818-1901

He was a Dutch artist who was born in 1818. His candlelight works are popular in art history. Unique compositions and tones make his works more acceptable.paintings-of-candlelight

A Lady Admiring An Earring by Candlelight by Godfried Schalcken

He was a Dutch portrait painter who mastered candlelight painting techniques. He was a minister’s son who studied art at an early stage.

painting-candles“November Razor Clam” by artist Mark Boyle oil on canvaspaint-candle

Jean Monti is a portrait artist who creates beautiful oil paintings on linen. In this work, a girl holds a candle with a bright glow on her face. The composition of light is perfectly done and captured.

candle-paintingsClassical Street Paintings By Petrus Van Schendelpaintings-candlelight



“Glow” by Morgan



Daniel F. Gerhartzcandle-light-art


Daniel-F-GerhartzQi Chengxiang woman-light-paintingsSuchitra Bhoslehow-to-paint-light

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