Svenja Jödicke is a watercolor artist from Germany. She has created beautiful acrylic and watercolor paintings of eyes on canvas. She loves to work with diverse mediums including acrylics, watercolor etc. Svenja paints with vibrant colors to detail each part of an eye with brush.
Painting eye is often an interesting topic for artists. With rich colors, she paints beautiful paintings of eyes. Blue, orange, green, purple and yellow are dominating colors in her paintings. The eyes are expressive and realistic with a magical touch of brush.
Paintings of Eyes
I love the first one a lot! Are you selling these? If so, where can I buy it?
Hi this is Mariah Kelchen. Im a high school art student in a water color painting class. My assignment is to find a water color painting that I want to reproduce. Your first painting really inspired me and I was wondering if I could reproduce it for a project for school not to be sold.