
Artist Trent Gudmundsen Paintings

Trent Gudmundsen(1978) is an American painter who was born and raised in a tiny agricultural community in eastern Utah. He was inspired to start painting at a young age after growing up around hard-working and modest people.
He would fearlessly venture forth into the hills and pastures close to his home to paint whenever he had the chance, despite having little experience. The painter owes a debt of gratitude to VaLoy Eaton, a renowned landscape painter who inspired Gudmundsen and introduced him to the works of numerous past and present master artists.

Gudmundsen’s paintings are traditional in theme. But his works are more inclined towards contemporary style. He often tries to simplify the work with just graphic blocks of color, and other times by subduing and “de-constructing” the edges of figures until they almost blend with the background.  His work aims to be both accurate and subdued while also tantalizing the viewer with a reserved amount of implied texture and thick brushwork. This contrasts with some contemporary works that seek to temporarily “wow” the viewer with garish colors and gimmicky methods. The result is works of art that become more and more visually satisfying the more they are viewed and lived with.

Trent’s work is featured annually in California’s prominent “Great American Figurative Artists” exhibition, and most recently, in August 2010, a full-length feature piece in Southwest Art magazine highlighted his work.

Trent Gudmundsen Paintings

Visit the artist’s Instagram page here.

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