Here is a list of the world’s most expensive oil paintings. These are selected after referencing several authentic websites and magazines in this domain. Those paintings that are sold at private auctions and sales are also taken into consideration while compiling the list. There may be slight variations in prices according to currency exchange rates.
Most Expensive Oil Paintings
1. Paul Cezanne ($250 million)
His painting the “The Card Players (1892/93)” entitles the most expensive painting in the world. It was sold for $250 million in 2011. The painting was bought by the Royal family of Qatar and was sold by George Embiricos. The strong sense of emotion on their faces makes this a true masterpiece of post-impressionistic period. The “Card Players” is definitely a great painting!
2. Pablo Picasso ($155 million)
La Reve is a famous Picasso painting which was sold for $155 million. The painting was sold by Steve Wynn. La Reve simple means “The Dream”. It is one of the most famous Picasso paintings which outlines his lover Marie. In teh painting, the subject is sitting on a chair with closed eyes. The painting was bought by Steven A.Cohen in 2013.
3.Francis Bacon($142 million)
The painting “Three Studies of Lucian Freud(1969)” by Francis Bacon is one of the most expensive paintings in the world. The seller was Francesco De Simone Niquesa and the buyer is unknown. It was sold in private auction and is expensive contemporary painting ever auctioned.
4.Jackson Pollock
Jackson’s painting titled “Number 5,1948” was sold for $140 million. The painting was sold by David Geffen. The price listed here is an approximate value.
5.Willem De Kooning($137.5 Million)
The painting “Woman III(1952-53)” was sold for $137.5 million and was sold by David Geffen. The painting is in private collection now.
6.Gustav Klimt($135 million)
“Adele Bloch-bauer I(1907)” was sold in a private sale in 2006 for $135 million. The painting was bought by Ronald Lauder. Ronald was a cosmetic legendĀ and this sale literally shocked the art lovers. During World War II, this painting was taken away by Nazis and later was kept in Austrian National Galleryin 1948.
7.Edvard Munch($119.9 million)
The painting “The Scream(1895)” was sold for $119.9 million by Sotheby’s New York. This is a colorful painting and is one among the masterpieces of Munch.
8.Jasper Johns($110 million)
The painting “Flag(1958)” was sold for $110 million and was bought by Steven Cohen. Thsi is one of the most famous paintings of Jasper.
9.Pablo Picasso($106.5 million)
Picasso’s “Nude, Green Leaves and Bust(1932)”was sold for $106.5 million by Christie’s New York.