Hi folks, today I thought of sharing few ideas on a crucial condition we face as painters .yes, this article is all about moldy paintings. Mold causes severe damage to our creations. It is better to remove molds from your canvas paintings at the earliest. First of all, you have to be aware of what actually a mold is.
A Mold or Mould is a fungus that grows almost everywhere. They are of various colors. These molds multiply rapidly when they get suitable environment like more moisture along with oxygen. Thus they spread and spoils the creation. So when you come across such a task o removing them and restore your painting take much care.
Depending upon the variety of panting the attention to be given in clearing the mold differs. There are solutions that can be applied in getting rid off them. It depends on how far is the damage caused. Reliable techniques have to be imparted so that the act doesn’t do any harm in disfiguring your valuable creations. Precaution is needed for the person who indulges in clearing them. They can make use of a mask in keeping away from inhaling the spores of mold, as they directly reach the lungs and cause respiratory disorders.
Remove Mold From Canvas Paintings
In order to protect your painting, a bleach-free disinfectant spray like Lysol mold and Mildew are available. These two chemicals give good results as its composition is Benzalkonium chloride, that effectively washes off the mold without damaging the painting. You can clear them in two steps.
Step 1. To kill them
Sep 2.To remove them off the painting.
The first step could be done by spraying a few times the chosen remover which results in drying and crumbling of the molds. Second is brush off them from the surface of the painting using a soft and tender brush. You have to keep in mind that various types of painting need a different level of treatment in removing the mold. If your painting is a framed one never try to reuse that frame after clearing the mold, as it may lead to reoccurrence. Never use vinegar to clean the mold as it is acidic and sure of spoiling your painting.
Research on the appearance of mold on paintings shows pores of Aspergillus, Penicillium, Cladosporium, etc. Check out the detailed research article and study about mold growth on 17th-century easel paintings here.
To keep these molds away store your paintings in a moist free environment. If attacked by molds and once you have successfully removed them make sure to apply Lysol, an anti-germ cleaner that is in spray form. You can also spray commercial rubbing alcohol mixed with water. Whatever reliable way you try, be sure to remove the mold in the starting stage itself and protect the worthy creation that is going to speak for you in the years to come.
Sometimes you can find the growth of small molds in colonies over the painting. It is often a better idea to use a cotton swab dipped in alcohol mixed with a water solution to clean off the affected area. But you have to be very careful while using alcohol as it is a good solvent for paints. There are many reported incidents of painting damage while cleaning with alcohols. As an experiment, simply try over a small test area to find the effect of mold removal.
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